Bow Island Volunteer Boards
Town of Bow Island has many volunteer board that you could join!
- Bow Island Fire Department
- North 40 Mile Recreational Committee
- North 40 Mile Tourism Committee
- North 40 Mile Handy-Bus Society
- Forty Mile Regional FCSS
- Bow Island Children's Festival
- 4H Clubs
- Bow Island Elks
- Bow Island Curling Club
- Bow Island Lions
- Golden Age Center
- Bow Island Girls Club
- North Forty Mile Food Bank
- North Forty Mile Meals on Wheels
- Municipal Library Board
- Bow Island Minor Hockey
- Bow Island Minor Baseball
- Emergency Management Committee
- And many more....
If you are interested in getting involved with any boards or volunteer to help better our community as a whole please email recreation@bowisland.com. They will be able to point you in the right direction.
Volunteers are always needed and always welcomed!