Mass Notification System
The Town of Bow Island is excited to announce the implementation of our new Mass Notification System. This system will enable us to communicate effectively with the citizens of Bow Island through calls, texts, and emails, providing timely updates regarding Emergencies, Community Events and General Public Information!
Please click on https://bowisland.com/massnotificationiframe for more information.
Summer Jobs Applications
Pet & Business License Notice
First Reading for Bylaws
At the January 13 Town Council meeting first reading was passed on Bylaw 2025:01 "Community Services Fee Bylaw" and Bylaw 2025:02 "Regional Emergency Management".
Final reading of both bylaws is scheduled for the January 26 Council meeting. Any comments or questions can be directed to cao@bowisland.com or calling the Town Office at 403-545-2522.
Centennial Park Parking
Holiday Garbage Pick up
For Wednesday, January 1st pick-up will now be on Friday, January 3rd!
Happy Holidays!
Community Peace Officer
The Town of Bow Island is accepting applications for an individual to fulfill the role of Community Peace Officer (CPO).
Reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer, the CPO is responsible for enforcing Provincial Statutes and Municipal Bylaws, with a focus on traffic enforcement, animal control, unsightly premises, and community safety.
The successful applicant will enjoy working with the public, be physically fit, and have a flexible work schedule. This is a full-time position for an immediate vacancy.
The Town of Bow Island offers competitive wages, a comprehensive benefits package, and participation in the Local Authorities Pension Plan.
For a detailed job description please visit www.bowisland.com/careers. Application will be open until a suitable candidate is found and may be submitted to townoffice@bowisland.com
Road Closure
Bow Island Servus Community Arena Update
Boards and Committees
Island 100 Initiative
North Forty Mile Recreation Society is enlisting 100 community Members to donate $100.00 each year, resulting in a prompt accumulation of $10,000.00 to be used for refurbishments or creations of new recreation spaces or facilities in Bow Island!
Email recreation@bowisland.com to learn more or to become a member today!
The North Forty Mile Recreation Society supports, promotes and advocates for recreation in Bow Island!
Landfill Closure
Similarly, when there are very high winds, loose garbage cannot be accepted.
If you are uncertain about conditions at the Landfill when you want to haul, call ahead to 403-545-2618.
Road Closure
The road from 6th Ave West from 4th Street to Westview will be under construction and closed for the next few days. Kindly use alternate route.
Discoloration of Water
Urban Hen Applications
2024 By Election Results
Tax Rate Bylaw
Nomination for Town Councillor
Bow Island Town Council is accepting nominations for a new council member! Please have your nomination papers in before April 17th at 12:00pm noon. Stop into the Town of Bow Island Office to receive your nomination papers today.
Housing Accelerator Fund
The Town of Bow Island is pleased to announce an agreement has been reached with CMHC to fast-track housing construction under the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF). The HAF will provide Bow Island up to $1,568,000 over 4 years towards
Community Services Fees Bylaw
Housing Needs Assessment
2022 Financial Statements
Community Standards Bylaw
Tax Rate Bylaw
Upcoming Events
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