Nomination for Town Councillor

Kaylee Recreation • Mar 04, 2024

Bow Island Town Council is accepting nominations for a new council member! Please have your nomination papers in before April 17th at 12:00pm noon. Stop into the Town of Bow Island Office to receive your nomination papers today.

If you are interested in running as a candidate for Councillor for the Town of Bow Island, please review the information below:

The nomination period runs until 12 p.m. (noon) on April 17th, 2024 (Nomination Day). 
Nominations can be submitted at the Town of Bow Island office.
You nomination must be filed using the following form:
 Form 4: Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance (Municipal election forms |

For extra information visit: A Candidate's Guide: Running for Municipal Office in Alberta
aper copies of this guide and Form 4 are available at the Town of Bow Island office also.

For further information please contact Hillian Oldenzijl (, the Returning Officer at the Town of Bow Island office or visit: